8.48K 1 year ago 21:33

A Young Artist Raped An Appetizing Model

The Russian guy always dreamed of being an artist and decided to paint a picture with his girlfriend, he invited the girl to visit him and began to paint a picture with her. Frankly speaking, the guy was doing badly, and the girl decided to tease her friend, but the baby could not even think what this guy was capable of. The kid got very angry and began to wring the girl's hands, after which he tore her T-shirt, took out his penis and forcibly shoved it into the mouth of a young bitch. The girl tried to pull away, but she couldn't do anything. After the blowjob, the guy tore the leggings right on the girl, and slightly moistened her pussy with his penis, after which he put the girl with cancer and roughly entered her pussy. The baby screamed very loudly and tried to escape, but the guy always closed her mouth and continued to fuck her forcibly. Quite often the kid changed his poses, just at these moments the girl tried to escape, but the kid did not let her do it. Ordinary sex was not enough for him, so he thoroughly plowed the ass of a dark-haired girl with his hard cock. After the guy got tired of raping a Russian girl, he quickly finished her right in her mouth and left the baby to realize what was happening. The scene is staged, you can see this by watching the last minute of this video!

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